(At left, U.S. Bank construction at Mae Anne in the Raley's shopping center, Nov. 21, 2008)

(At left, U.S. Bank construction Nov. 29, 2008)
It's funny, you know. Ever since we moved up here to the new Northwest, I've seen a sign at the Robb Dr. exit on I-80 touting a Wells Fargo branch "coming soon." It's been coming soon, in fact, for nearly three years and, at present, that space is occupied by a Christmas Tree lot.
On the other hand, the first indication there was a U.S. Bank going up in my neighborhood was the actual foundation being poured as fences went up around the site. Bulldozers moved in and, within two weeks, this thing has really started to take shape.
Located in the Raley's shopping center at Robb and Mae Anne, it looks like it'll be a full-service bank branch. They seem determined to get this thing opened soon. I've seen workers on site on weekends and the latest development includes the beginnings of a roof.
It should be noted that there is a branch location inside the Safeway, a mere mile away, but I'd think the two could coexist without issue.
Updates and construction photos to follow as I see them.Labels: 89523 [where: mae anne ave., nv 89523] construction, reno |